Wednesday 29 October 2008

and there off!!

So i have decided that Wednesday night is now THE night i will update my blog. This is due to the fact i am sitting alone watching the football (soccer) depending on where you are from and i have nothing better to do.

I sat at my desk at work today and i was thinking about something amazing to kick start this blog but i cannot think of anything wonderfull to rant about. I think i must have my best moments when i'm not thinking about it or at the time that i am actually pissed off and i can really get into it.

I do have something to moan about though (thank god) and it's people who call to complain about things that offend them on tv. My main reason for my moan is the situation with Johnathan Ross and Russell Brand. Clicky here to read. It's a joke i mean it's a prank phone call for god sake it's not as if he is saying anything racist or offencive to religions, even if he was SO WHAT? it's a joke!! Fair enough maybe it was mean insulting the old fellow but you dont have to find the number for Ofcom then call there premium number to say 'i didnt like that' i mean how can it offend you if someone on the radio is saying they had sex with someone? (unless your the girl of course),Who by the way is totally milking the situation talking about it as if someone has died. It was a prank call for %^%$ sake,Ok it was bad but say that you were insulted or offended but if i remember correctly she was going on like it was the end of the world. While i write this i have just found out Russell Brand has quit the bbc which is a shame because he is a funny guy and i really want to see him live.

8,000 people complained but thats not even what shocked me the most i mean 8,000 complained i didnt think that many people listened to the radio!!!!!. I like a listen in the car but i wont take any time out to put the radio on. I hear from a good friend of mine that a mere 2 people complained suring the show!!!The rest are either F*&^%%$ losers who need a sex life or sheep who called because someone else did. I am outraged that they have suspended Johnathan Ross the guy is a legend and 'Friday nights with Johnathan Ross' is/was amazing, also who will review films for me now!!!! I must say i support them both 100% and now that my good friend( who i will keep annomynus for now..because i have not asked if they want to be mentioned :P) has sent me Brand's statement following his resignation which is here Clickers even that made me laugh.

It really does amaze me how easily offended people can get and to be honest it pisses me off. Where is my number to call to complain about pricks like those 8,000 ???

Lighten up, have a laugh at yourself and the world around you because if you don't it can all become too much :)

Over and out.


Tuesday 28 October 2008


Hey there and welcome to what i hope is the first of many weekly updates to a blog i finally decided to create after weeks of thinking about it. Now i have never been great at English or writting so if my grammer or spelling is poor i am sorry :).

I hope to have a proper post done at somepoint tomorrow night so stay tuned...if anyone is reading this that is
