Monday 17 November 2008

I'm Not Lazy

OK So i promised to update every Wednesday, I have not stuck to my promise but i have had allot of family troubles going on so my mind has been elsewhere but i AM still here and plan to post every week.

This is just a small update to let everyone know i am here . However i would like to post my horror and disgust At the 'Baby P' story.

In today's world i can hardly say i am shocked at the story but i am appalled that anyone could treat anything like that let alone an 18 month old child. I am one for bringing back the death penalty in extreme cases and i believe this is one of those cases. People who do these things deserve to suffer for what they have done and i don't think rotting in a jail cell is half as bad as it used to be.

Am i in the wrong for being so 'Eye for an eye' ? The whole Justice system is a joke but that's another topic i could get into at a whole other level.

My thoughts are with anyone who cared for that poor child :(