Tuesday 28 October 2008


Hey there and welcome to what i hope is the first of many weekly updates to a blog i finally decided to create after weeks of thinking about it. Now i have never been great at English or writting so if my grammer or spelling is poor i am sorry :).

I hope to have a proper post done at somepoint tomorrow night so stay tuned...if anyone is reading this that is


1 comment:

Robb said...

Good idea, Kris! A blog is an amazing tool to allow people to vent. My own blog has years of boo-hoo'ing and waaaaah'ing. I don't really know what I'd do without it. Probably go back to that old form of pen & paper...

btw, I have taken the title of World's Greatest Moaner two years running. I s'pose I'd be up for a run at Life's Greatest Moaner!!!

Keep The Faith*